I, the parent/guardian (named above) of (cheerleader named on this form) hereby acknowledge the risk associated with cheerleading.  In consideration of the opportunity to participate with the Creekview Jr. Grizzlies 6th, 7th, and 8th grade cheerleaders, I, undersigned parent/guardian, do hereby waive, release and hold harmless the Creekview Jr. Grizzlies 6th, 7th, and 8th grade cheerleading directors, parents in charge, coaches, and trainers from and against any and all liability of whatever nature, including carpooling, resulting from any injury of any kind associated with participation in activities of the Creekview Jr. Grizzlies 6th, 7th, and 8th grade cheerleading program. Â
I give the Creekview Jr. Grizzlies cheerleading directors or parent in charge permission to seek medical attention for my child in case of an emergency.  I grant emergency medical staff members permission to administer immediate treatment to my child should she be injured. Â
Furthermore, I hold harmless any director, parent in charge, coaches and trainers for any injury incurred as a result of participation in cheerleading.  Each cheerleader must be covered by her own insurance. Â
I understand that in the event of a life threatening emergency, my child will be taken to the nearest emergency facility. Â